Hello, Lender!

Fintech spends not yielding results?

Well, we make Fintech  Simple Accessible Effective

Explore the difference

Unlocking Capital from Within

You know that your capital is stuck unproductively in various areas across your value chain. We specialize in tech-based efficiency increase to unlock it for you.
Install Efficiency

Reach Prospects Before they visit the Dealers

Banks and big lenders crowd the dealer with attractive rates limiting leads for young auto-lenders. We equip you to shift the play to digital and leap ahead.
Become the 'Lead'er

Finetune for the Self-employed

AI/ML underwriting models based on rich alternate data could yield faster accurate decisions. We hand-hold to derive value through right fintech partnerships for model building and engineering.
Underwrite Better

Fintech Program Management

Buying software alone doesn't solve problems!
Success = { identifying the root cause, scouting for best-fit solution(s), establishing efficacy through POCs, win-win commercials, evangelising for adoption, production movement }
Partner with us for effective transformation.
Champion Transformation

Featured Bite-sized Fintech Solutions

We believe that solutions should be easy to read and openly available to all. Here's our pick of open solutions for you. Would love to receive your feedback and inputs at info@imayandigital.com.

About Us

When we set out to create a management consulting boutique in the fintech space, we were mockingly asked, "So you steal your client's watch to tell them time?". No surprise, that could well be the perception about management consulting - pompous, expensive and bland. We decided to shatter this and add colours to consulting - colours that signify our values - passion, clarity of thought, open communication, value creation and happiness!

Fintech, when rightly adopted, can increase profitability for financial institutions and enhance quality of service for their customers. However, many young NBFCs and Banks still struggle with fintech transformation mainly due to the challenges of forming and sustaining a well-integrated innovation team.

Transformation consultants can replace or complement the internal innovation team as required. With an honest intent to solve problems by digging deep into their root, and equipped with over 4 decades of combined experience in solving problems for leading domestic and multinational banks, NBFC, software product and IT consultancy firms, We, Team Imayan Digital, shall strive to simplify fintech transformation for you.